CLO #4

“Engage in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes.”

Throughout this semester, I feel like this was the course learning outcome that was practiced the most and the one that I feel like I fully accomplished. It focuses on the collaboration that I participating in throughout each class.  I really enjoyed the group discussion because I was able to get input from my audience on what to fix on my work and gave constructive comments to my classmates on how they can improve theirs. Also, we had class discussions which pushed everyone to think.  The following video link below is a prime example of how a class discussion would go.

Passcode: g=f5A6**

( Watch after 32 minutes)

I feel like I have achieved this CLO because I have participated in class and group discussions. Most of the work we did has a group could be done in one document and submitted onto blackboard as a group submission. This pushed us to break out of that shell of silence and to work together to get the work done so we wouldn’t have to do it individually. I also did Peer Review sheet for my classmates to give them my opinion on their work as to what I thought needed to be fixed and congratulate them for what was done well. Below I posted Peer Review sheets I’ve done for my classmate to show I understand and master the CLO.

Peer Review for Classmates